What Are The Consequences of Society Rewarding Instant Gratification?
In anticipation of Statement Art’s magazine (due for launch later in 2020) we posed the above question to our new Facebook group to get the discussions going. Here are some of the responses so far…
A society who expect things immediately and prone to more tantrums.
We all turn into zombies, a living dead addicted to the instant chemical hit of likes and shares and scrolling at 30,000 feet per second. How can we stay in touch with what it means to be human?
Instant gratification can lead to debt, which can then lead to depression, anxiety and the breakdown of existing relationships.
An erosion of patience, forethought, and understanding of long term consequences.
In like culture, real quality is not considered cool, because quality and depth takes time to make (creator) and to digest (audience) and it's slow.
“La Meurte Seductora” by Siris Hill
At first thought, I thought this painting to be linked to Santa Muerte of Mexico but the topic of this conversation kinda goes against the symbolism of La Muerte. Maybe this is the sign of the times? The well meaning of Saint Death eroded into an ugliness of human desires of constant neediness, like a drug, a poisoned apple.
Art being reduced to a banana taped to the wall.
I once saw some a documentary on TV showing research on children and instant gratification. Those that were able to delay gratification tended to be more successful in future life… With an abundant society, there is a need to show some restraint individually but it's incredibly difficult, whatever one's guilty pleasure is, likes on social media to overeating, drinking etc. The constant consumerism is leading to the downfall of humanity, it's never been such a crucial issue. They are all very human traits though. The apple is very fitting as a symbol of the first evil. It is also a feminist issue I think.
Join the discussion via our Facebook group.