00:01:21 How would you describe your practice?
00:08:46 Digital & Analogue
00:11:58 What is Photography?
00:16:59 The extent of research
00:21:38 Is there a stigma around Photography within Fine Art?
00:29:22 Quantum Physics is the key!
00:37:01 Race doesn't exist in my world
00:56:21 The spirituality of Quantum Physics
01:03:18 Transgender Project for the French Ministry of Economics and Finance
01:08:19 Different reactions in different cultures
01:28:13 The struggle with immediacy & social media
01:41:11 Light is everything
01:53:28 Writing
Examples of work and further information

Explore “Different Shades Of Yellow” online exhibition at
Read more about Misia-O’s process of manipulating light via our Magazine article.